Big projects
If you want to be involved in a big project — learn to do big projects. A client will rarely trust you with a large project if you haven't done them before.
I'm sure there was a time when a chemical reaction took place in your brain that caused a violent desire to be part of something big. As Steve Jobs said:
"You are fortunate if in your life you were involved in a big cause."
Devotion to a big idea is the engine to make you do when things go wrong. This approach is suitable for small goals, but what can you want when you don't want anything? After all, you and I are unlikely to want to do a large amount of work without receiving a reward for it?
At the beginning of my journey, I started with small projects that reached a maximum of $150-$200 per project. Sometimes I had to work for $50-$100 per project (resulting in $400-$500 each month) because there was no other work.So that you understand, a design for $100 is when the client decides everything.
You have no opinion. You are just a person who implements the customer's quirks.If you do not learn and do your projects, it is challenging to get out of this. You will be doing small projects all the time because you will not have experience working on more complex and larger projects. And without understanding, no one will give you a big project — a vicious circle.
But here is the thing — the so-called life-hack, which is not used often for one reason or another.
It is not necessary at all that the client for a large project is actual. You can be your client – create a task yourself, or solve a problem in an existing product that does not satisfy you.
For example, in my first project for international clients, I redesigned an online clothing store closed for a redesign. I made up a task: to create a new, clean, simple, and convenient online store for the existing brand. The project has received more than 200+ likes on Behance and three new design clients in a few weeks.
My next project was an app that I designed based on the client's requirements, but he didn't accept that version. I expanded that project further, outlining the process and challenges. Result? ~700 likes, an award, and five more clients.
Long story short.
If you want to be involved in a big project — learn to do big projects. A client will rarely trust you with a large project if you haven't done them before. Well, do them for yourself. Set yourself a task and complete it from start to finish (from idea and prototypes to video or actual presentation). Also, no one limits you to implement a new product or project.